Tau Sigma Phi - Alpha Chapter
Ottawa, Ontario

True Sisters Forever
Are you a Carleton University, University of Ottawa or Algonquin College student?
Arts or Science major?
It doesn't matter; the sisters of Tau Sigma Phi know that:

To ensure academic success Tau Sigma Phi requires all its sisters to maintain a specific GPA.
To help all of our sisters meet, and surpass, this standard, Tau Sigma Phi holds monthly study sessions.
In addition, many sisters have taken the same courses and it is not uncommon to find sisters studying together, sharing notes and textbooks.

During the fall semester of 2010, Tau Sigma Phi was proud to launch their Textbook Library initiative.
Instead of selling books back to Carleton, all old textbooks are collected by the Scholarship and Education Chair and made available to the sisters for sign out throughout their semester.
Tau Sigma Phi is proud to offer all of our sisters a way to get the same education for less money!